

🚀 Tech Startup Lead Generation Tip #30 Do a 30 day LinkedIn video challenge!

Well, this is the end of the series, I hope you’ve found some value and implemented some of the lead generation tactics.

My 30th and final tip has to be to complete a social media video challenge!

I’ve talked a lot in this series about how important it is to give your prospects completely free advice, tips and opinions.

This may take time, but you will eventually become a thought leader in your space. When you achieve this, the leads will come flooding in.

From this series alone, I’ve received a ton of great leads which has converted into tens of thousands of pounds of business and a really healthy pipeline.

If you would like to receive a custom report on how your business can grow sales by generating more leads, you should take our Tech Startup Lead Generation Health Check.

I’ll add a link in the description. Then we can follow up with a 30 minute strategy call on your business.

Thanks for watching the series. Thanks for all the support.

Please do connect with me on LinkedIn if you haven’t already as I’ll continue to be offering my insight and advice on tech websites and lead generation.


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